How to make homemade curd (dahi)


1 cup milk
1 spoon curd (yogurt)

1.Warm milk in a sauce pan.
2.Pour the milk in the container in which you want to set the dahi(curd).
3.Add the curd to the milk.
4.Stir the curd and mix well for about a minute.
5.Keep the container in a warm place for 5-6 hours.

- Curds take longer time to set in cool temperatures.
- If the milk is too hot while setting the curd it will leave a lot of whey water.
- Whey water can be used to make chapati dough as it contains a lot of protien.
- Curd is know to have an excellent cooling effect on the body.
- If you add full cream to the dahi, it becomes creamier.
- If curd is set in an earthen bowl, it is thicker and creamier. As the bowl absorbs most of the whey water.


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